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october 2013 of IschiaNews&Eventi
Year 4, Issue 6
Alfred Rittmann (1893-1980) , the founder of modern volcanology in Europe to which was dedicated in 1987 by the academic world a mineral group of leuciti, typical of magmatic yellow rocks, called "rittmanite", considered the island of Ischia his "favorite" of all the places on Earth that he had seen and studied. He visited Ischia far and wide, and carefully walk for three years - 1927 to 1930 - and discovered the 'authentic geological nature writing a seminal text on the
“geologia dell’ isola d’ Ischia”. He returned to Ischia each year for increasing further research. With his assistant , Violetta Gottini , and photographer Gaetano Di Scala climbed Epomeo, the highest mountain of the island (788 meters), from all sides, from the east, from the north, south to discover that Epomeo "was not a rock formed under the sea but it is a tuff formed on the mainland and that covered a vast area that goes right under the Vesuvius and under the sea to Campi Flegrei". One hundred thousand years ago Ischia was more extensive of its 46 Km2 and came up to Ventotene.
‘Ischia is certainly, for volcanologists, a paradise because you can see things that nowhere else on earth I could see and I shot a lot and here are some amazing things", said Rittmann in a communication to the Centre for Studies on the island of Ischia on August 26, 1969
Here Rittmann found the planet in an island , his "paradise" on Earth , and he appreciated the inhabitants of an extraordinary cordiality because in every cellar he encountered in his explorations of the ravines and quarries farmer that tore the ground for the rock to plant the vine, offered him a glass of wine and a loaf of bread.
We went to see "La Mortella", the garden built by Sir William and Lady Susana Walton in Forio at Zaro. On an area of about 3 hectares, torn from rock , William - for about twenty years and Susanna for about 50 years - have made an extraordinary wanting to leave a touching testimony of love. There are 4 thousand plants from all over the world in what that Susana called "a giant vase of flowers carved into the stream of lava and then split by the earthquake, a basin of hard trachyte filled with 20 feet of solid humus". The Garden as wanted the designer Russell Page is "an expression of faith, the embodiment of hope, a song of praise". Nothing is left to chance and everything is placed with a meaning that speaks in the silence of nature.
But we tried to understand why and how did this Garden? How and why this couple - an English musician and a cultured young Argentinean woman - arrived in Ischia in a winter's day in 1949 and decided to live here and build a garden and then leave it to their death to the enjoyment of all, especially young musicians, so that everyone could know the love of a man and a woman, appreciate the beauty of creation, reflect on what Cardinal Martini called " the wonder of life." Everything is born "by accident or chance" would Lelouche.
But we went - for this October issue with which our Magazine "Ischianews & Eventi" closes the tourist season and will resume with the parenthesis of the holiday season in December and January – to see also recovered, after 100 years of neglect, the "vineyard of the thousand years" of lawyer Benedetto Migliaccio, his wife Giovanna and daughter Benedetta , in Serrara about 300 meters above sea level on the day of harvest and harvest the red grape from which the winemaker Andrea D' Ambra will release a fine wine.
Siamo scesi a livello del mare e tra il mito e la pace visti e vissuti i Giardini Termali Poseidon, uno dei più belli parchi termali del mondo, dalla miracolosa acqua termale e dal sole caldo anche per questo mese di ottobre grazie ad un microclima eccezionale.
But we went - for this October issue with which our Magazine "Ischianews & Eventi" closes the tourist season and will resume with the parenthesis of the holiday season in December and January – to see also recovered, after 100 years of neglect, the "vineyard of the thousand years" of lawyer Benedetto Migliaccio, his wife Giovanna and daughter Benedetta , in Serrara about 300 meters above sea level on the day of harvest and harvest the red grape from which the winemaker Andrea D' Ambra will release a fine wine.
We went down to sea level and between myth and peace seen and experienced Poseidon Thermal Gardens, one of the most beautiful spa parks of the world, with miraculous thermal water, hot sun of the month of October due to an exceptional microclimate.
We climbed the hills - almost to remind us of autumn - and went to explore the collection of mushrooms and chestnuts.
This and more is on ISCHIANEWS of October, however, which opens with a "Focus" on the problems of tourism policy with the conclusions of the conference organized by us on "Cohesion and Development in the island of Ischia" reflecting on the book by Carlo Borgomeo “ L’ equivoco del Sud” and the messages of the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, Carlo Trigilia and regional Councillor for Tourism and Cultural Heritage of Campania, Pasquale Sommese.
As if to say: we have a planet into an island of exceptional value and beauty in every detail that tourists from all over the world live and love and we all have a duty to defend it in while we're thinking about the economic and social development.
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Folding map attached with the signs of the "Neptune's Kingdom" for the marine protected area 30 x 21 cm
Pages: 96
Language: Italian / English
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